Friday, July 15, 2011

30 Weeks and growing!

Over the last 5 weeks, we have been up to lots! My brother and Steph have been here for about 2 weeks. It's been so much fun. Summer loves having her aunty and uncle around. I don't know how she will handle them leaving. It's funny, shes never good with goodbyes. Always is in a funk afterwards. We've gone to Campbell River, Miracle Beach, Airport park, out and about in Courtenay, watched the Canada Day Parade, and went to Nanaimo. All fun stuff for sure :)
I also, a while back, decided to put my creativity to good use :) I started making and selling baby things. I've made carseat covers, cart covers, frame bow/clippie holders, butterfly bow/clippie holders, blankets, swaddle blankets, door signs for rooms.. the list goes on :P I'm enjoying it very much! This is what I've done:!/pages/Made-With-Love-creations-by-Heather/112504642173396  :) I'm looking forward to it taking off moreso!

In regards to our family.. Adam just finished having two weeks off to spend with Scott and Steph. I think he had a lot of fun as well :) Summer's growing like crazy, learning words, looks, all that fun stuff haha. Shes also learning to like water better. We took her swimming last weekend and will do that again tomorrow :D As far as how I'm doing... Good :) Fell down the stairs a few weeks back, and my back is still sore. But doc says its prob just pregnancy induced.. I don't think that's the case as I was fine before I fell :P and I've yet to get better.. maybe I pulled something.. who knows. I was also measuring 3 weeks ahead with Baby B. As of last week, I'm only measuring one week ahead now :P I still stand by the fact he will come earlier than his due date :P Baby B is growing well, my stomachs getting larger.. It doesn't feel like he has much room in there.. He likes to kick alot.. and elbow.. My ribs are taking a beating recently. I also get Braxton Hicks contractions a lot.. lovely lol. Sometimes they're painful, other time I don't feel them.

Its weird to think that in 10 weeks our son will be here.. I'm excited and scared as anyone would be haha